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Welcome to SageMint!

I’m Abigail. I started my homeschooling journey as a student in 1986. After graduating from the University of Arkansas, I married my college sweetheart, and worked in non-profit administration before I “retired” to raise babies. I’m an INTJ, a nightowl, and a writer… as time allows.

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By wisdom a house is built,
And by understanding it is established;
And by knowledge the rooms are filled
With all precious and pleasant riches.

Proverbs 23:3-4

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The Fresh Feed


Many people strangely disparage homeschooling, yet research consistently shows that homeschooled students outperform other students by large amounts. One study reported with sample sizes over 10,000 that home schooled students were a whole standard deviation better than others.

An Introduction to the Great Books

If you’re new to Classical Education, you may be wondering, “what should I start reading?”

This thread is a very brief introduction to the Great Books: 🧵

Ready for a weekend of rest, renewal, and relationships? Grab your gals and join us for Radiant Moms’ Retreat — February 2-4, 2024 in beautiful Northwest Arkansas!

How do I teach math classically?

This is one of the biggest questions in the classical renewal, so I wanted to write a (very) brief overview of what classical mathematics looks like. 🧵

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